I am “sorry”

I saw this post on IG and it reminded me of my early 20’s.

I discovered quite early how much I disliked and got irritated with the term “sorry” because I realised it had become a performative term, people just say it because they believe, “oh it’s what this person wants to hear”.

When my brother was younger and times when he did something wrong which was a lot of times by the way, I would bring it to his attention, mostly to understand the “why” of the action but he would be real quick to say “sorry”, I would ask “what are you saying sorry for exactly “, most times he would look at me and keep quiet. My next question always was, “you know you could have avoided getting to the point of sorry, why didn’t you?”.

I know someone who is always late to work, this person comes in everytime apologising and it’s always funny to me because it’s the same thing that would happen again the next day, so I always just wonder, “Why the hell are you apologising”.

We are human beings and we are not perfect, we mess up sometimes and need to apologise(say sorry) for it. There are also a lot of times when we know deep down that what we are about to do would hurt someone and require us to “say sorry”, why can’t we just try to be better and avoid it.

Another day we would talk about the people who just never take responsibility for doing wrong or upsetting people.


pic credit: therightwording.com , IG: @emmiheaven

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